
Showing posts from December, 2019

Sweeping Water (August 14)

Almost been out for a whole month this next week and i can't believe it, time is passing soooo quickly here. This week for our service project we had the wonderful opportunity of sweeping water for an hour. Not with squeegees or however you spell it but with brooms. And not in a building but outside on the street. It was actually super fun.... despite the smell... Basically the concrete is all tilted at different angles so the water never drains so we pushed the water into the drains, it took us about an hour and it was probably the weirdest service project i have ever done. also, one of the smelliest and dirtiest. Oh yeah and while i was sweeping the water appparently I'm so strong that i literally broke the broom I was using, It was super funny cause breaking it cuased a lot of water to get on me so i took a very nice and long shower. This week has been super chill though. Time is passing quickly which is a blessing when you have almost the same exact schedule, Every. Sin

They Sent Me Home on the First Day?? (July 31)

Well I had an insanely exciting first week. I get to the airport and say goodbye to my family, the whole shebang and everything. I get to my terminal and I wait to board my airplane and it gets delayed not once... Not two times.... But three times so we will end up missing our connecting flight in LA. So long story short we(7 other elders and I) ended up staying in SLC for the night at a Marriott hotel(mission travel office was treating us good). They got us four rooms for 8 guys. It was amazing. The next day our new flight was at 7 in the morning so I had to be up at 4 again, two days in a row, not very fun?!? We get loaded onto the airplane and the pilot comes onto the intercom and says that he's got some bad news. All the missionaries start freaking out cause we think that we're gonna miss our connecting flight Again! But luckily the only thing that happened was that the bathroom didn't work until we were at like 50,000 feet above sea level so that was a great blessin